Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Use of Internet in Pakistan

hello friend i te
ll you something about use of Internet in Pakistan.In 2010 Pakistan is very hardworking and struggle in IT department and now Pakistan is also popular country in the world as a good user of Internet.Many Pakistani student study by Internet and they are bright the name of Pakistan in the IT.Many educated people start our small business at home by the Internet and they are earn money and now some become rich people.Internet is good helper of us we take any information about any thing like news,business,study, like more by Internet we connect our relatives in other country and talk with very easy so i pray to Pakistan more struggle in Internet and our country become popular country in the world.Pakistan Zindabad..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Role of Media in Pakistan

role of media in Pakistan is very nice and better for our future in technology.
Media and Judiciary are two independent pillars to save the country from sudden slippage. Judiciary put down number of good decisions in her little age of independence which is only one year. Whereas media is older then judiciary and it shows no positive alterations in people's attitude towards the ridiculous change. Pakistan's media should understand that it presents the country which is of high importance not only for Islamic world but also for peace in whole world. Media should become highly sensitive towards its responsibilities while presenting this country to the world and guiding the people of Pakistan to bring out the country from the sea of issues. Pakistan's media tell the world that what is Pakistan in fact, what think of Pakistani people towards world issue. It depicts the culture of Pakistan. It is its responsibility to tell the whole world that what is Islam and what are implications of Islam in Pakistan. Most of hot channels of media are highly politicized whereas they should cover cultural and religious norms and values of Pakistan. Some of the media channels are totally Islamic whereas others are highly ultra mod. This shows existence of two totally different cultures in Pakistan whereas Pakistan was achieved on the name of Islam which has one Book, one Prophet (P.B.U.H), one Allah and one culture

In Pakistan media are now independent with the emergence of new century. There are numbered of news channels that have maximum coverage throughout the country. Media contribute a lot to develop public knowledge but even after years of success, media could not alter public's attitude towards issues.
i hope in future media continue true role for betterment of Pakistan inshallah Pakistan become a bright country in the world. Pakistan Zindabad

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Unity Of Pakistani Peoples

Pakistan Is great Nation our Symbol is Unity in people love for other and our nation is very peacefull and always want peace in our country or all World here All people Love Showing to world unity.
We are 1 under in our flag

Great Heroes of Pakistan

These All Person is Great Heros of Pakistan the always doing best all life for pakistan so our all nation gave respect and calling hero.

Swat valley is Beautiful valley of Pakistan

Swat valley is beautiful valley of pakistan and these place make more beautiful our country pakistan. Pakistan is most beautiful country in this world.
its full of Natural beauty and having a lot of nice touring places where you can find the real beauty.
that you cannot find in other place of this World.

My Pakistan is More Beautiful Place in This World.

Today i am sharing with you very beautiful place Swat Valley.

this is place is not famous of its beauty but some Pakistan enemy having the flag of Islam but in real they dont know the meaning of Islam.
they had propaganda to make bad image of Islam and Pakistan..

But Alhamdulillah Pakistan Army and people of that place defeat that enemies in the Battle of War.
I salute them every time ...They are great Pakistanis
and I love My Pak Army and inshallah we win. Pakistan zindabad..

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pakistan History

Pakistan History was full of scrifice for our country here many people gave our life for this country and many mother gave our sons life for our country . Qaid azim guide all people and and we become our own Country Pakistan.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Country Pakistan

i think to God who give me lovely country i love my country because here people is very brave and cool minded people here all of love with pakistan and always ready give sacrifice for our country.but these days pakistan run face to many difficulties and problem but here people very strong and always stand for our country and face all difficulties very happy happy .and our circket team is also play for pakistan and struggle to our flag up in the world so now all people thinking our country because we love our country and all of help one to an other always inshallah in future you look new and strong pakistan beautiful pakistan here every where greenly environment and pakistan become more beautiful country in the world. pakistan zindabaad.